The 5th Annual Resiliency Summit took place in October 2021
The Resiliency Summit is a hope-filled experience in connecting, learning, and growing together to strengthen our community! Resiliency isn't about rugged independence, it is about interdependence, inclusion, empathy, and the vulnerability necessary to form healing relationships.
October 27 & 28, 2021 | 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
In Person Event (details to come)
We hope you will join us for two fun-filled days of learning and connection!
Please don’t hesitate to reach to info@kitsapstrong.org out with any additional questions!
Our 2021 Presenters

Dolores Subia BigFoot, PhD
Stories of Creation, Stories of Reliance, Stories of You
Breakout Session
Stories of Creation, Stories of Reliance, Stories of You with application

Dr. Wind Dell Woods
Dreaming Beyond What My Hands Could Grasp:
Self-doubt, Perseverance, and Self-care

Delena Meyer
Workshop 1:
The Layers of Resilience
Workshop 2:
Who Gets to Decide What’s Shared: Exploring narrative consent & relational safety

Vaan Wolfe
Workshop 1:
Building on the Resilience of LGBTQ2SIA+ Communities as an Ally
Workshop 2:
Building on the Resilience of Gender Expansive Communities as an Ally

Dr. Kimberly Riley
Life before, during, and after Covid: learn how to remain resilient through it all

Melissa Balmer
Storytelling for Agility & Resilience

Janel Mcfeat
The Welcome Home Program; A Human Dignity Approach to
The Welcome Home Program; A Mock Community Listening Circle

Selina Ramirez
The Welcome Home Program; A Human Dignity Approach to
The Welcome Home Program; A Mock Community Listening Circle